Criminal Justice

State's courts told to dismiss 17,000 red-light tickets because notice wasn't sent to drivers

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Some 17,000 red-light tickets issued to New Jersey drivers based on photographic evidence will have to be dismissed because required notices weren’t sent to drivers in time.

The judicial branch of New Jersey’s department of state has alerted courts in 17 towns notifying them of the “technical” problem and providing a sample dismissal order. The problem occurred because notices weren’t sent for a period of approximately one month earlier this year by American Traffic Solutions, reports the Star-Ledger.

“This wasn’t 5 or 10 or even a couple of hundred instances—this total breakdown affected almost 17,000 motorists,” said Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon, R-Monmouth. O’Scanlon was the person to initially make the problem public, and he wants to put the kibosh on the law that authorizes such tickets.

“These companies incessantly tout the supposed accuracy and consistency of their systems,” said O’Scanlon, “when the only thing consistent about the camera company representatives is their blatant misrepresentation of what the equipment does and how accurately it does it.”

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