
Suit Against Kardashian Sisters Seeks $75M for Withdrawn Credit Card Endorsement

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The Kardashian sisters are facing a $75 million lawsuit for withdrawing their endorsement for a prepaid debit card criticized for excessive fees.

The suit by the Revenue Resource Group seeks $75 million to cover losses it expects to incur by the broken deal, as well as $500,000 for its out-of-pocket expenses, CNN Money reports. Among the expenses was $65,000 spent on a launch party, including $7,000 for the sisters’ hair and makeup and $1,900 for an Escalade to drive them around, the suit claims.

The lawyer for the Revenue Resource Group, Nathan Miller of Miller & Ayala, told CNN that the sisters didn’t appear very enthusiastic at the party. They left after about an hour and had to be coaxed back by their mother, he said. Then they “sat in a corner and text messaged on their iPhones all night,” he said.

The prepaid Kardashain Kard had cost $99.95 to own for a year. Users had to pay an additional $1 to add money to the card, $2 to pay bills automatically with the card, and $1.50 for operator assistance, the story says. News reports say the Fresno, Calif., company issued 250 cards before it shut down, the Fresno Bee reports.

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