Labor & Employment

Tech-Support Worker Sues NY Law Firm, Says It Gave Comp Time Instead Paying OT, Violating FLSA

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A technical support worker has sued a Manhattan law firm concerning its claimed compensation policy, contending that he and others doing the job got extra time off rather than overtime pay when they worked more than a 40-hour week.

The lawsuit filed against Schulte Roth & Zabel in federal court in Manhattan on Monday says that alleged practice violates the Fair Labor Standards Act, which requires time-and-a-half overtime pay, Thomson Reuters reports.

The suit filed by a nine-year employee Keith McKenzie seeks class action status against the law firm, which specializes in representing financial services sector clients in regulatory and compliance matters.

Gary Fiebert, who serves as executive director of the 375-attorney firm, said the plaintiff’s claims are “without merit” and said Schulte Roth would respond to them in court.

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