Venable's advertising and marketing team tracks the legal moves of the Federal Trade Commission, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and even Facebook's platform policy to call shenanigans on website language and the latest marketing tactics that do not (or soon will not) pass legal muster. Posts also note key appellate decisions and what they mean for advertisers.
Posts cover the latest actions, policies and staff changes of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Posts cover credit, bankruptcy, consumers and financial institutions.
Daily updates on food-borne illness reports and resulting nationwide product recalls as well as commentary on what governments and corporations should do as far as responding to current outbreaks and preventing future outbreaks.
Post cover wine industry-focused liquor regulation and actions of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. They also note upcoming wine law-related CLEs.
The author keeps an eagle eye on developments in the chemical, biotech, and pharmaceutical industry, and discusses recent cases and USPTO decisions that may affect how patents are granted and protected.