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Twitter Resources

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Also see “Much Chatter About Twitter.”

If you’re a member of the legal blogosphere and have been bitten by the Twitter bug, then introduce yourself to the @BlawgWhisperer and @LawScribbler.

Check out @BlawgWhisperer’s and @LawScribbler’s favorite Twitter resources and distractions:

TwitPic, allows the Twitterati to post and share images seamlessly into their tweets.

#hashtags, where Twitterers can search for or track ongoing conversations on specific topics, i.e. #TechShow

TweetDeck, for Twitter veterans or those who’ve already overwhelmed by tweets, the app helps users break down Twitter feeds into topics and columns.

TwitterBerry, a phone app because one should always be in a position to consult his/her followers or see what friends are up to.

Twictionary, a helpful wiki for those who actually want to learn and speak the lingo.

Qwitter, don’t take it too personally, but this app allows you to know when someone stops following you.

TinyURL. It’s already a challenge to boil down a post to 140 characters. Add a link and fugetaboutit. This nifty service, and ones like it, snips your URL down to tweet size.

TwitterSheep because its tag clouds are cool.