Midyear Meeting

Barbara J. Howard is nominated to serve the 2026-2027 term as ABA president

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Barbara Howard at a podium

Barbara J. Howard has held a number of ABA leadership roles, including serving at the chair of the House of Delegates from 2020 to 2022. (Photos by ABA Media Relations)

Lawyers should get out from behind their desks and actively engage in educating their communities about the government, separation of powers and rule of law, Barbara J. Howard said during her first speech to the House of Delegates as the ABA president-elect nominee on Monday.

“We need to listen and educate, to reinvigorate the culture of democracy in our country so that we all understand and embrace the benefits of a democratic government,” said Howard, the principal at Barbara J. Howard Co. in Cincinnati.

Howard served as chair of the House from 2020 to 2022. She also was a past chair of ABA Day, the Standing Committee on Specialization and the Standing Committee on Meetings and Travel.

The House Nominating Committee selected Howard as the next president-elect nominee during its meeting on Sunday. Her nomination will come before the House at the 2025 ABA Annual Meeting in August.

Follow along with the ABA Journal’s coverage of the 2025 ABA Midyear Meeting here.

Howard would succeed the current president-elect, Michelle Behnke, whose term as ABA president will begin at the close of this year’s annual meeting. Howard’s time in office would be for the 2026-2027 term.

Barbara J. Howard entered the House flanked by supporters and other ABA leaders, including ABA President Bill Bar (at right).

Howard also told the House she is committed as president of the ABA to ensuring the successful implementation of the association’s strategic plan.

“Protecting our democracy and upholding the rule of law is an integral part of that plan,” Howard said. “It will take all of us working together to do this.”

Additionally, Andrew Schpak received the nomination for treasurer-elect for the 2025-2026 term.

Schpak, the co-managing partner at Barran Liebman in Portland, Oregon, served as a member of the Board of Governors. He is a member of the House of Delegates, the Standing Committee on Audit and the Fund for Justice and Education.