
Former federal prosecutor settles with Justice Department for an estimated $1.8M

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A former federal prosecutor who claimed retaliation led to his firing in January 2009 has settled with the U.S. Justice Department for an estimated $1.8 million.

The former prosecutor is Thomas Gruscinski, who worked in the U.S. Attorney’s office in Cleveland before his firing in 2009, reports. The National Law Journal (sub. req.) had an earlier report on the settlement that did not identify Gruscinski. Legal documents had identified him as John Doe.

Gruscinski won reinstatement and back pay valued at $1 million from the Merit Systems Protection Board in December. He received an additional $805,000 in the settlement and agreed to drop a related discrimination case pending in federal court.

Gruscinski claimed retaliation for complaining about the tactics of a Drug Enforcement Administration agent. He also alleged in the federal suit that his security clearance was revoked in 2008, leading to his firing, after he complained a planned transfer would aggravate his anxiety disorder.

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