Family Law

Divorced matrimonial lawyer shares 'survival tips' with clients in new book

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Image from the author’s site.

When Kristi Skordahl, a matrimonial attorney, got divorced from her husband, she wound up in a apartment with a single place-setting and a litter box for her cat, she says.

But she made the best of the situation, getting a retail job while she reapplied for the bar exam since she hadn’t practiced for several years. Then, at least in part to help her clients cope, she wrote a book about her own divorce, recounts a MinnPost review.

And Then She Was Happy: A Book About Divorce offers both an account of Skordahl’s own marriage and what she calls “survival tips” for getting through a divorce.

“I could see how much it helped my clients to see that I really got the pain they were going through,” says Skordahl, explaining that by writing the book she hoped to address emotional issues as well as legal issues.

“A lot of divorce books just have a lot of statistics and ‘you should do this, you should do that,’ but they didn’t address what people were going through emotionally,” she said. “So I started writing, and the book just flowed out of me.”

The St. Paul practitioner and her book are being featured in February and March at a couple of Minnesota book store events. For more details, read the full article.

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