Media & Communications Law

News Station Apologizes for Airing Version of the F-Word Uttered During Casey Anthony Trial

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In its coverage of the Casey Anthony case, Central Florida’s News 13 aired a “version of the F-bomb,” prompting the channel to apologize.

“We deeply apologize that that word went out on the air, anchor Adam Longo said, reports the Orlando Sentinel’s The TV Guy blog. “We’re taking steps to see that doesn’t happen again.”

Assistant State Attorney Linda Drane Burdick uttered a variation of the four-letter expletive while reading a comment in court Thursday made by Anthony, who is charged with the first-degree murder of her daughter, Caylee. Transcripts reveal that Anthony stated she was arrested “on a bleeping whim.”

Robin Smythe, Central Florida News 13’s general manager, said the station “can activate the time delay” to prevent “something untoward” from making it on the air, according to The TV Guy.

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