
Two Jurors in Clemens Case Are Dismissed for Sleeping During Testimony

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Last week, U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton warned lawyers in Roger Clemens’ perjury trial that they were dragging out the case and boring the jurors.

The trial is now in its fifth week, and two jurors are gone. They were dismissed after they were caught sleeping during the testimony, the New York Times reports.

The first was dismissed a day after Walton issued his warning, the Houston Chronicle reported last week. The Chronicle says sleepiness wasn’t the juror’s only problem; he also showed up late and caused problems for U.S. marshals, though the details weren’t revealed.

The juror, a 27-year-old unemployed man, had said during voir dire he would “rather be asleep” that serve on the jury. According to the Times, “he tried to do both but failed.”

Walton dismissed a second juror, a supermarket cashier, on Tuesday after she fell asleep the day before.

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