ABA Notices

ABA Notices - April 2020

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For more official ABA notices, visit ABAJournal.com in May.


AT THE 2020 MIDYEAR MEETING in accordance with Section 9.1 of the ABA Constitution, the House of Delegates Nominating Committee, at its meeting Sunday, Feb. 16, nominated Reginald Turner of Michigan for President-Elect (2020-2021), Barbara Howard of Ohio for Chair of the House of Delegates (2020-2022) and Pauline Weaver of California for Secretary (2020-2023). The Nominating Committee also nominated individuals as members of the Board of Governors (2020-2023). Go to ambar.org/nomcomaction2020mtg for the list of all the nominees.


The ABA President will appoint one Goal III Disability Member-at-Large, one Goal III Minority Member-at-Large and one Goal III Woman Member-at-Large to the Nominating Committee for the 2020-2023 term. In addition, appointments also will be made to fill the unexpired terms for the Goal III Minority Member-at-Large vacancy (2018-2021 term) and for the Goal III Woman Member-at-Large vacancy (2019-2022 term). These appointments will be made from broadly solicited nominations from the diversity commissions, sections, divisions and forums, state and local bar associations, and the membership at large. If you are interested in submitting a nomination or have questions, contact Leticia Spencer at [email protected] by Friday, May 8.


Pursuant to Section 6.5 of the ABA Constitution, six Delegates-at-Large to the House of Delegates will be elected at the 2020 Annual Meeting in Chicago for three-year terms beginning with the adjournment of that meeting and ending with the adjournment of the 2023 Annual Meeting. Candidates for election as Delegate-at-Large are to be nominated by written petition. The deadline for filing nominating petitions is Tuesday, May 19. For rules and procedures, go to ambar.org/delegate-at-large.


Due to the nomination of Andrew W. Schpak for the Board of Governors District 19 (Oregon) seat, a Delegate-at-Large vacancy will exist. To fill the vacancy, one Delegate-at-Large to the House of Delegates also will be elected at the 2020 Annual Meeting for a one-year term beginning with the adjournment of that meeting and ending with the adjournment of the 2021 Annual Meeting. Candidates are to be nominated by written petition. The deadline for filing petitions is Tuesday, May 19. For rules and procedures, go to ambar.org/delagtatlargevacancy. Contact Leticia Spencer at [email protected] if you are interested in filing or have questions.


Pursuant to Section 6.3(e) of the ABA Constitution, the states of Kansas, Maryland, New Hampshire and Ohio will hold elections to fill the State Delegate positions that will become available due to current delegates’ nominations to the Board of Governors and for Chair of the House of Delegates. The Board of Elections will certify each election’s results, and the unexpired terms for each of the vacant State Delegate positions will commence at the end of the 2020 Annual Meeting. The deadline for filing petitions is Friday, May 8. For term years and petition instructions, and rules and procedures for each of the above State Delegate Vacancy Elections, go to ambar.org/allstatedelvacancies. If you are interested in filing or have questions, contact Leticia Spencer at [email protected].

—Mary L. Smith, ABA Secretary