
$7 Million Judgment, But No Murder Charge

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A bereaved mom, an Illinois judge and Chicago police all reportedly agree: They know who murdered Jesse Miller in 2002 – his dad. But despite a $7 million verdict last month in a civil case over his death, Cook County prosecutors so far have said there isn’t enough evidence to charge Leroy Alexander with the 2002 crime.

There were no witnesses, and the murder weapon with which Miller was stabbed to death was never found, the Chicago Tribune reports. However, Alexander made statements to the police which implicated him, contend Mary Miller, mother of the 24-year-old victim and Benjamin Crane, an Oak Park, Ill. lawyer representing her.

At their urging, prosecutors reportedly are reviewing the case.

“Everybody I tell this to says, ‘How is this guy not in jail?’ ” says Crane, adding “It just doesn’t seem like a tough case to me.”