Tort Law

Columnist Novak Resigns; Brain Tumor is Malignant

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The bad news has gotten worse for Robert Novak, a Chicago Sun-Times columnist who recently was chased by a lawyer after he hit a pedestrian in Washington, D.C., and didn’t immediately stop.

A few days after the accident, Novak, 77, was diagnosed with a brain tumor and decided to take a leave of absence, but said he hoped to return to his job of more than 40 years. Now it turns out that the brain tumor is malignant, and he has retired permanently, with a prognosis he describes as “dire,” according to the Washington Post.

Additional coverage:

Barone Blog (U.S. News & World Report): “Robert Novak’s Brain Tumor Stopped a Legendary Reporter”

Associated Press: “Robert Novak announces immediate retirement” “Columnist Chased by Lawyer, After Accident, Has Brain Tumor” “Lawyer Chases Down Columnist Novak After Accident”

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