Law School Offers Free 7th Semester of Study to Some Students, If They Postpone Taking July Bar Exam
One might think that a New York law school’s offer to cover the cost of a seventh semester of legal education for struggling third-year students would be seen as a positive.
But some are complaining that the move is intended to benefit City University of New York School of Law, which could show a higher overall pass rate for first-time takers of the bar exam among its graduating class if those least likely to pass postpone taking the test until February, the New York Post reports.
“Ten years of data on CUNY law graduates taking the bar highlight the predictive importance of law-school grade point averages and study in bar-related, doctrinal courses,” said Dean Michelle Anderson in an email. “Based on these data, we reached out to those students who were most at risk to offer them the option of extending their study and deepening their preparation for the bar.”