Criminal Justice

Lawyer Wants Montana Sex Offenders to Know: I'm Not the Person Writing You Critical Letters

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A Montana lawyer thinks someone with a personal vendetta against her is responsible for letters being sent to registered sex offenders that contain her home address and phone number.

The letters criticizing the sex offenders bear the signature of workers compensation lawyer Leslae Dalpiaz, report NBC Montana and the Missoulian. “I am not sending these letters,” Dalpiaz told NBC Montana. “I don’t mean any ill will to the recipients.”

The letters warn the sex offenders that they could be followed and checked for compliance with their probation. “Considering your record, you have no one to blame but yourself for your deviant behavior,” one letter read.

Dalpiaz says she doesn’t represent sex offenders, and she doesn’t even practice criminal law. She is working with police in an effort to find out who is responsible. “I am clueless as to who this would be,” Dalpiaz told the Missoulian. “It requires someone with a fairly diabolical mind, but fairly savvy.”

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