Law Schools

Out of 12 Indiana Tech Law grads sitting for state bar, 1 reportedly passed

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Exam and a pencil

Out of the first class to graduate from Indiana Tech Law School, only one person who took the July 2016 state bar exam passed, Indiana Lawyer reports.

The school graduated 20 students in May, and 12 sat for the state bar, according to the Indiana Lawyer. The publication examined the list of names of people who passed the July 2016 bar, and only one was an Indiana Tech student, it reports. A school spokesperson would not confirm or deny to the Indiana Lawyer that only one graduate passed the test.

“We had 12 graduates sit for the July bar exam. As is the case everywhere, we had a mixture of passage, failure and those within appeal range. So we won’t know our pass number until that process is done,” Brian Engelhart, vice president of university relations for Indiana Tech, told the Indiana Lawyer in an email.

The ABA Journal reached out to Indiana Tech dean Charles Cercone for comment, but the call was not immediately returned.

The article points out that under Indiana Admission and Discipline Rule 14, people who didn’t pass the bar can ask the State Board of Law Examiners to review its finding within 14 days.

Indiana Tech Law School was granted provisional approval by the American Bar Association’s Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar in March 2016. Annual tuition fees (PDF) are $30,360. The school was founded in 2012.

The law school will file its final and official report about the program—including bar passage outcomes—in October, according to Barry Currier, ABA managing director of accreditation and legal education.

“Thereafter, and consistent with the requirements of Standard 102(b), the ongoing monitoring and review of the performance of the law school and its progress toward coming into full compliance with the Standards will continue and appropriate action will be taken,” Currier told the ABA Journal.

Hat tip to Above the Law.

Updated at 2:50 p.m. to include comments from Barry Currier.