Legal Ethics

Union-Busting Lawyer Gives Up License for Alleged Expense Report Scheme

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A Pennsylvania lawyer who got media attention for helping companies fight off labor unions has resigned from the bar after accusations that he submitted false expense reports to his law firm.

Stephen J. Cabot, a former partner at Harvey, Pennington, Cabot, Griffith & Renneisen, was accused in a disciplinary complaint of scheming with a travel agency to seek reimbursement from his law firm for 69 airline tickets that were never purchased for business trips. The firm paid the travel agency more than $133,000 for the trips, according to the disciplinary complaint.

Cabot is now described as a motivational speaker on the website for his company, the Cabot Institute for Labor Relations. The site said that when Cabot practiced law, he was featured or quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes Magazine and U.S. News & World Report. He told the Wall Street Journal reporter in a story published in 1979 that he helps companies fight labor unions. “I’ve been called the biggest, no-good union-busting SOB that ever lived,” he says in the story.

In an Aug. 1 order accepting the resignation, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court said Cabot had admitted material facts underlying the disciplinary complaint. The disciplinary complaint was attached to the order.

A hat tip to the Legal Profession Blog.

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