ABA Journal Events

'Visible Difference' program series on advancing women of color in the law kicks off on May 18

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Eighty-five percent of minority female attorneys in the U.S. will quit large firms within seven years of starting their practice. Why? According to the research and personal stories these women share, it’s not because they want to leave, or because they “can’t cut it.” It’s because they feel they have no choice.

Join the ABA Journal and Mayer Brown and McCarthy Tetrault as we discuss the barriers that women of color face in the practice of law in the U.S. and Canada and help bring about meaningful change. The first of three discussions will be on May 18th from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Chicago office of Mayer Brown.

Arin Reeves, founder of diversity consulting firm Nextions, will discuss the research behind the alarming statistics and begin to discuss solutions along with Juliette Pryor, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer of US Foods; Kijsa Phillips, Senior Counsel, Mondelez International; Rebecca Eisner, Partner-in-Charge of Mayer Brown’s Chicago office and Michael Weaver, Hiring Partner of McDermott Will & Emery’s Chicago office.

This event is free, but you must RSVP to events[at]abajournal.com.

Don’t miss out. Space is limited. Lunch will be provided.

Visibile Difference Invitation

The Visible Difference discussion series will continue throughout the year with events in New York and Canada.