Criminal Justice

Woman arrested 396 times apologizes as she is released from prison

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A Chicago woman who was arrested 396 times says she’s ready to turn her life around after her release from prison.

Shermain Miles told the Chicago Sun-Times that she has given up drugs, alcohol and old friends who are into “drugging.”

“It was not me, it was the alcohol, and I’m very sorry, I really apologize,” she told a reporter.

She said she had experienced family problems and “it was a lot of things.”

“I’m going to get some counseling for it and get myself together,” she said.

Miles was released from prison on Monday after serving nearly a year for assaulting an alderman. Prison officials said she was a good prisoner who broke no rules. She will be living in a residential home for former inmates.

Hat tip to ISBA Daily Legal News.

Prior coverage: “Woman arrested 396 times will get treatment (again)”

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