Techshow '60 in 60' session features a variety of content-creation tech tips
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For lawyers wanting to record video and audio messages—or even podcasts—the speakers at the “60 in 60” session offered plenty of suggestions during the final event of the ABA Techshow 2022 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago.
Gyi Tsakalakis, the Techshow planning board co-vice chair, recommended as an effective online recording tool. He said he uses it to record short LinkedIn videos, and the tool makes it easy to edit video and audio recordings.
Ivan Hemmans, co-chair of the Techshow planning board, was unable to come to the show in person and pre-recorded his tips. He said the Teleprompter Mirror is a nice tech tool for making sure you cover what you want to say while recording videos.
Tsakalakis also shared that Camo is an easy-to-use app for recording video on an iPhone.
“If you want something that’s coming out with professional-grade video on your iPhone camera, it’s a really great option,” he said.
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Techshow planning board co-vice-chair Jeannine Abukhater Lambert recommended that lawyers wanting to effectively use their phones to record videos utilize camera mounts that can easily go on top of your desktop. Along those lines, Hemmans said he suggests using a Ulanzi tripod, which he joked can also be used as a selfie stick if necessary.
Meanwhile, Techshow planning board co-chair Brooke Moore highlighted Meeting Owl Pro as an upscale tool for those wanting to enhance their video meetings experiences. The technology costing $999 is helpful for hybrid meetings and “captures everything with a 360-degree camera, mic, and speaker so everyone can be seen and heard,” according to its website.
Four members of the Techshow planning committee presented their 60 tips. Co-chair Ivan Hemmans (on screen) pre-recorded his tips, while (left to right) co-vice-chair Jeannine Abukhater Lambert, co-chair Brooke Moore and co-vice chair Gyi Tsakalakis presented at the Hyatt Regency Chicago in person.
Hemmans shared several tips about Microsoft Teams, including his recommendation that lawyers download the mobile app so they have access to the software when they are on the go. He also suggested lawyers be sure to check their “device settings” on Teams before their next online meeting.
“When you attend meetings using different virtual platforms throughout the day, it’s quite possible for your camera and microphone settings to change unexpectedly,” Hemmans said.
For lawyers who sit through an endless stream of video meetings and think their eyes are the worse for wear because of it, Lambert highly recommended BLUblox glasses. They claim to block blue light from computer screens or phones, ease eye strain and improve sleep.
On the business development front, Tsakalakis highly encouraged Techshow attendees to set up their Google Business Profile, which he called “the website before your website.” Moore said LegalMatch can also be a way for attorneys to secure additional work.
For attendees wanting to try out different products, Moore said the Gadget Discovery Club sends four tech tools every quarter.
And for lawyers eager to take a quick work break, Lambert suggested Wordle.
“It is something you can succeed at when your day is going a little rough,” she said.
Lambert and Tsakalakis will serve as the co-chairs of ABA Techshow 2023.
The full slideshow with all 60 tips is available online.
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