
Lawyer for Mumbai Terror Suspect Shot Dead

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A lawyer who was representing a man accused of aiding terrorists who killed 164 people in Mumbai, India, was fatally shot by several attackers.

Killed was Shahid Azmi, who represented Fahim Ansari, who is accused of helping to plan the 2008 terrorist attacks on the Taj Mahal Palace, Tower and Oberoi-Trident hotels, a train station and Jewish cultural center, CNN reports.

Azmi had handled several high-profile terror cases and maintained a unique status among the Indian bar. Convicted of terrorism as a child, the Times Online described Azmi, 33, as a “young lawyer who had grown up in a slum” and “stood out among India’s legal fraternity.”

A reporter for the Times of India who knew Azmi told Times Online that Azmi “was a success story—a terror suspect who had become a respected lawyer. He’d become a hero among Muslims for speaking out against atrocities against the community. His murder is a huge shock.”

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