Personal Lives

Lawyer who abandoned $200,000 Ferrari to get to court on time gets new Ferrari

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The Ferrari in the floodwaters.

A Toronto lawyer who famously abandoned his $200,000 Ferrari in rising flood waters to get to a court hearing on time has been richly rewarded for his efforts.

Employment lawyer Howard Levitt has gotten a “very generous” deal on a new Ferrari, courtesy of the Italian sports car company, the National Post reports.

Levitt refused to say what he’s paying for the new car, which retails at about $300,000. But he said Ferrari “gave [him] a deal [he] couldn’t refuse.”

Levitt drew worldwide attention in July when he abandoned his car on a Toronto highway during a heavy rain to catch a flight to Ottawa to attend a hearing for a client there the following morning.

The car, which was a total loss, was covered by insurance. When Levitt set his sights on a new Ferrari, the company was apparently very appreciative of all the free publicity he brought to the brand.

Hat tip to Above the Law.

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