ABA Journal

The New Normal

'Grow' your law school? The what, why and whether of Denver Law

Will there be a 'New Deal' for the legal profession?

Volkswagen: Where were the lawyers?

'Prudent innovation' at William Mitchell: Extending the reach of learning

'Prudent innovation' in law school--Colorado moves forward

Lawyers need to move beyond 'access to justice' to close the legal services gap

3 reasons firms are starting to embrace 'prudent innovation'

Learn how to balance efficiency with your level of service--or miss opportunities

How lawyers can embrace mistakes

How law firms are innovating when it comes to hiring

Have you hired an innovation intern?

4 steps for reinventing legal education

Welcome to the future: A travel guide to tomorrow's legal careers

Firms of the future must orbit around the client

Merging law schools, merging firms: What does it mean?

9 ways to change the carnivorous partnership model and save BigLaw firms

Facing up to the challenge: It's time to prepare law students for their profession

Can a new breed of firms solve the attrition problem for women in the legal industry?

Earlier this year, The National Association of Women Lawyers released the results of its National Survey on Retention and Promotion of Women in Law Firms. This annual survey provides sobering news on the state of women at the 200 largest firms in the country, collectively known as BigLaw.

10 predictions about how IBM's Watson will impact the legal profession

Attorneys who can address clients' operational problems as well as their legal ones have an edge

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