Criminal Justice

Convicted Minn. Double Murderer Attacks Attorney

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Apparently feeling he had nothing left to lose, a Minnesota man convicted in a double murder case yesterday turned on his lawyer as a sentencing hearing began shortly after the jury verdict was announced.

As he was being led into a Hennepin County courtroom for sentencing, Revelle Loving tackled his defense attorney, William Selman, and punched him in the face before swarming deputies could restrain him, reports the Star Tribune. Loving, who had been convicted of murdering his former girlfriend and her new boyfriend, faced a mandatory life term without parole.

Selman was not seriously injured—although his face was reportedly swollen and bruised—and the sentencing hearing resumed later in the day, according to the newspaper. At that point, however, he sat alone at the defense table while his 21-year-old client sat, shackled and surrounded by five deputies, in the jury box.

Selman declined to discuss the attack, but told the Associated Press that it was the first time in his 20-year career that he has been hit by a client.

Updated at 3:14 p.m. to link to Associated Press coverage.

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