Question of the Week

Do Your Clients, Opponents Seem to Be Getting Angrier?

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This week, we learned that researchers are warning about the potential influence of over-the-top emotional reactions on reality TV.

University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Reynolds added his two cents, telling USA Today that he doesn’t see people overreacting in his own daily life, but sees where TV may have an effect. “If you follow news, you may get angry and yell at the TV a lot,” Reynolds said. “If you watch reality TV, I don’t think many people think Jersey Shore represents an appropriate way to live, but it may nonetheless make you see the world as a coarser place.”

We’d like you to weigh in on this debate. Do you think your clients or opponents seem to be getting angrier? If so, would you blame the influence of the mainstream media—or social media, which makes it easy for individuals to lash out without having to face who’s angering them—like these researchers are? Or do you think that the populace has the same amount of anger and attitude toward that it always has—but with extreme personalities now simply being more well-documented by reality TV and social media?

Answer in the comments.

Read answers to last week’s question: How Do You Manage Job-Related Stress?

Featured answer:

Posted by silencedogood: “Two parts preparation, one part alcohol, three parts living within my means so I can quit whenever I want (even though I never would—too greedy) and at least one real vacation per year.”

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