Legal Technology

Extreme Lawyers Take Note: Satellite Phones Go Pocket-Size

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Image courtesy of TerreStar.

Lawyers who want or need to be available 24/7, wherever they are, will likely take interest in news that TerreStar is preparing to launch a new satellite phone that fits in a pocket.

And it’s a smartphone to boot.

The phone is designed to combine terrestrial wireless service via AT&T and satellite service. Within AT&T’s network, the calls will be routed through the wireless technology. Outside of the call area, communication will be routed through TerreStar’s new satellite, the Washington Post reports. AT&T and TerreStar will accomplish this with a reciprocal roaming agreement.

Dead zones begone, the company promotes. Also gone? The bulky antenna previously needed to connect phone to satellite.

“It’s a terrestrial or cell tower in the sky,” TerreStar president Jeffrey Epstein told the Post. “That’s the game-changing paradigm we’re bringing.”

TerreStar-1, which is billed as the world’s largest commercial satellite, is scheduled to launch today from French Guiana. And if all goes well, TerreStar will begin offering the service later in the year, initially to emergency first-responders and then to consumers.

The big unanswered question is price. No rates have been revealed so far.

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