Military Law

Fort Hood Shooting Suspect Fined Another $1K for Showing Up at Pretrial Hearing Unshaven

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As a deadline looms for shaving his beard, as required by Army rules, the suspect in a fatal mass shooting at Fort Hood in 2009 showed up again unshaven at a pretrial hearing on Friday.

Maj. Nidal Hasan was, for at least the second time, held in contempt of court and fined $1,000 by a military judge overseeing his court martial proceedings, according to the Associated Press. He claims, through his lawyers, who have unsuccessfully sought a religious exemption, that he is wearing a beard because of his Muslim faith.

Facing 13 premeditated murder counts and 32 attempted premeditated murder counts, Hasan could get the death penalty if convicted. He also is under a court order to shave his beard before the military trial begins Aug. 20 at the Texas military base, or it will be shaved for him.

Additional and related coverage: “Denied Religious Exemption, Defendant in Ft. Hood Shootings Must Shave Beard Before Court Martial”

Battleland (Time): “The Fort Hood Massacre Trial: Tussling Over a Beard”

Security Clearance (CNN): “FBI official: Hasan should have been interviewed on e-mails with radical cleric”

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