Question of the Week

How do you respond to family and friends who ask for legal help outside your area of expertise?

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Have you ever received a call—possibly an urgent one—from a friend or relative about a DUI, even though you’re a corporate lawyer?

Depending on how long your career has been, you’ve probably often received questions from people close to you about a legal question you’re not familiar with. And those asking the question aren’t necessarily looking for a referral.

So this week, we’d like to ask you: How do you respond to family and friends who ask for legal help outside your area of expertise?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: Do you have a favorite signature cocktail recipe you’d like to share?

Featured answer

Posted by Goldcoaster:
“Been There Done That”
Tom Collins glass, filled with ice cubes
Squeeze slice of lime over cubes and drop rind into glass
Cover with chilled soda water
Tasteless, breathless and non-caloric. Not as fun as a few gin & tonics (or the old Long Island Iced Tea—those were great!), but getting one’s name in the paper for a DWI arrest ain’t worth it. (Sigh)

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.

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