Question of the Week

If money were no object, would you stay in your job?

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dream job

This week, we noted a story of a onetime lawyer who late last month took her first vows as a cloistered Dominican nun.

One obstacle lawyer Tara Clemens—now Sister Marie Dominic—had to address before taking those vows was paying off $100,000 in student loans. Clemens accomplished this after seeking and receiving help from the Labouré Society—an organization that helps individuals who want to become Catholic priests, sisters or brothers pay off student loan debt that would otherwise prevent them from joining religious life.

Financial obligations drive a lot of our decisions. This week, we’d like to ask you: If money were no object, would you stay in your job? Would you pursue a different type of legal job, or apply your skills to a completely different calling?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: Do you still take time to go out for lunch when at work?

Featured answer:

Posted by Jr Associate in CA: “I eat while chained to my desk. Can’t spare that billable time. Regardless, I’ve never been one to buy my lunch, brown bagger for life.”

Do you have an idea for a question of the week? If so, contact us.

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