Labor & Employment

Judge OKs class action over working conditions for almost 21,000 Apple employees

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A ruling Monday by a California judge means Apple Inc. will have to defend state-law wage and hour claims by as many as 21,000 hourly employees who worked for the company between 2007 and 2012.

San Diego Superior Court Judge Ronald S. Prager said it would not be feasible for those affected to bring suit individually and certified the case as a class action, the Mercury News reports.

At issue in the case are rest and meal breaks, final paychecks and a company policy against discussing working conditions that the suit says put Apple workers in fear of being fired, sued or disciplined “if they so much as discuss the various labor policies.”

Apple declined to discuss the case when contacted by the newspaper.

Related coverage: “Apple, Google settle in claimed conspiracy to put a lid on tech salaries; workers had sought $3B”

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