Trials & Litigation

Judge orders mom to repay son for keeping $5K bar mitzvah gift from grandma

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A mother who accepted $5,000 from her son’s grandmother who wanted the money to be a bar mitzvah gift had a fiduciary duty to give it to the youth, a New York judge says.

Ruling on a small claims suit by the now 20-year-old Jordan Zeidman against his own mother, Nassau County District Judge Scott Fairgrieve found Shirley Zeidman, 54, liable on Tuesday for conversion and unjust enrichment.

Newsday (sub. req.) and the New York Post have stories.

Attorney Steven Cohn represents Jordan Zeidman. He says the total judgment likely will be close to $10,000, once interest and court costs are added.

Attorney Jeffrey Schecter represents the mother. He said she will probably appeal, because evidence to support the judge’s decision is lacking.

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