Law Students

LSAT test takers increase for third time in a row

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Is law school about to become popular once again?

One statistic—the number of people taking the Law School Admission test—is indicating that more people are considering law school. In June, the number of LSAT test takers increased 6.6 percent over June of last year, report TaxProf Blog and the Wall Street Journal Law Blog.

The number of first time test takers jumped even more—by 10.9 percent over the prior June.

It’s the third consecutive increase. The number of test takers increased 0.8 percent in December 2014 and 4.4 percent in February 2015. Before that, the number of test takers dropped 14 times in a row from February 2010 through December 2013.

The number of people applying to law school is, as of July 3, still lower than the same time last year, however. The number of applicants was down 2 percent and the number of applications was down 4.2 percent. Last year at this time, the number of applicants amounted to 97 percent of the preliminary final count, and the number of applications amounted to 99 percent of the preliminary final count. The drop is still smaller than in prior years beginning in 2011.

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