Civil Rights

Moms Plan Nurse-In on National Mall in Washington, DC

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In an effort to educate Americans about laws that give mothers the right to nurse their babies in public, a “nurse-in” is being planned this summer on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

To be held on Aug. 4, during World Breastfeeding Week, the event is the brainchild of a mom in the nation’s capital, reports the Washington Post’s On Parenting blog.

Organizer Rachel Papantonakis said she got the idea from published reports of a number of recent incidents in which nursing moms were hassled or told they needed to move to another location.

She thought to herself, “Wouldn’t it be cool to have a nurse-in on the National Mall? Just a bunch of nursing women, their babies, and supporters spending an afternoon on the Mall and nursing when they needed to in order to raise awareness about the law.”

A Facebook page provides more information.

Related coverage: “Protected by Ohio Law, Breast-Feeding Moms Still Feel Blast of Public Disapprobation” “Courthouse ‘Nurse-In’ Planned in Support of Mom with Nursing Baby Called Out by Judge” “Federal Breast-Feeding Law Creates Challenges for Businesses”