Attorney General

Panel Cites Rove for Contempt for Refusing to Testify in DOJ Hearings

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Former White House political adviser Karl Rove has been cited for contempt by the House Judiciary Committee for refusing to testify about political influence in the Justice Department.

The committee cited Rove for refusing to testify at a July 10 hearing, the Associated Press reports. The committee wanted to know whether Rove encouraged the Justice Department to prosecute Democrats such as former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman. They also wanted to know more about the firings of nine U.S. attorneys and political hiring at the department, Reuters reports.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she has not decided whether she will schedule a vote on the contempt citation. Earlier this year the House voted to issue contempt citations against White House chief of staff Josh Bolten and former White House counsel Harriet Miers.

A federal judge ruled today that Bolten and Miers were not protected by a claim of absolute privilege.

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