Vote for your favorite diorama in the 5th Annual Peeps in Law Contest!
We here at are pleased to announce the finalists in our 5th Peeps in Law contest. And they are: everybody except me! (Conflict of interest. Phooey.)
Our submission numbers were, shall we say, less robust than they have previously been. However! The dioramas which were entered are really fantastic. We think that these may actually be our strongest contenders yet.
You owe it to yourself to check out all of them, and to watch a video clip of a 4-year-old singing “God Bless America” as the peepsident takes the oath of office. Also, for those of you who are deeply concerned about the historical accuracy of Peep dioramas, the Hindenburg did indeed sport Nazi flags on its tail–we checked!
Now to the details: The dioramas which receive the three highest vote totals will each receive prizes. And bragging rights for all time, unto the very ending of this world. What will they win?

Grand Prize: A case of Peeps marshmallow bunnies, a Peeps embroidered hat, a Peeps cappuccino mug, a Peeps mouse pad, a Peeps magnetic memo pad, and a $40 electronic gift card from PEEPS AND COMPANY®.

Second Prize: A “supersized” box of Peeps marshmallow chicks, a Peeps recipe and craft book, and a $15 electronic gift card from PEEPS AND COMPANY®.

Third Prize: A Peeps plush chick basket and a $10 electronic gift card from PEEPS AND COMPANY®.
So check out each of the contestants below, and see which one you think is most deserving of these fabulous prizes. Click on the thumbnail image to enlarge each photo, and if you’d like to see the accompanying text, just click on its title. Voting closes at midnight on March 31, and we’ll announce the winners on April 1.