Question of the Week

What's the strangest hypothetical you've ever had on a law exam?

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taking a test

This week, we noted that Howard University School of Law decided a law professor’s exam question related to allegations of improper touching during a bikini wax constituted sexual harassment under school policy.

So this week, we’d like to ask you: What’s the strangest hypothetical you’ve ever had on a law exam?

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: Who was your most difficult cross-examination?

Featured answer:

Posted by Public Defender: “The toughest witness I’ve had to cross-examine was the alleged rape victim. I was raped years ago, and it was emotionally stressful to confront this rape victim. It was difficult to set aside my personal empathy for her and effectively represent my client. In the end—not guilty on both counts of sexual assault.”

Do you have an idea for a question of the week? If so, contact us.

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