Question of the Week

Write a 'Six-Word Memoir' of your law career

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Updated: This week there was a Six-Word Festival on Twitter. Anyone and everyone was asked to share a six-word memoir of their life either at or on Twitter with the hashtag #sixwords.

But different law blogs got in on the action this week, asking their readers to boil down their law school experiences to six words.

So this week, in keeping with the spirit of the Six-Word Festival and to narrow the scope to law, we’d like to ask you to join in the fun: Write a six-word memoir of your law career. We know you can do it—you’ve killed with haiku and stump speeches for us before.

We’d also invite you to submit your pieces directly to Maybe if the creators of the project get enough response from lawyers, they’ll create a sub-category for law.

Last updated on Sept. 27 to also urge readers to submit their six-word legal memoirs to

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: Do you use all of your vacation time most years? How much do you have left this year?

Featured answer:

Posted by kingdavid: “Last year, I took a week off. The tough part is that you have to fit all of the work you miss into the already over-scheduled days before and after vacation. I took one day off this year before a three-day weekend, and I was so relaxed I felt like I’d been on vacation a month. Given that studies have proven that the effect of a vacation is gone after two days back at work, I’m going to do the extend-a-weekend plan from now on—way more relaxing and far less stress.”

Do you have an idea for a future question of the week? If so, contact us.

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