ABA Journal

The Modern Law Library

What makes lawyers great romance novelists? (gallery and podcast)

Note: We refer to all our interviewees by their pen names.

What martial arts training can do for lawyers (podcast)

What were the best legal novels of 2013? (podcast)

Unconventional childhood helps ‘Free Spirit’ author to advocate for domestic-abuse victims (podcast)

Once the ‘meanest lawyer in Houston,’ author shares story of love for his murdered brother (podcast)

Government surveillance revelations are having a chilling effect on lawyers, says author (podcast)

Rosa Parks’ attorney: ‘If the story would be told, I’d have to tell it’ (podcast)

Police use of SWAT tactics has gotten out of hand, says author (podcast)

When author Radley Balko was working as a policy analyst for the Cato Institute, he covered the Drug War as part of the civil liberties beat. And news articles kept…

Author on how ‘tremendously radical’ women blazed trails into the legal profession (podcast)

The life and lovers of legendary Hollywood lawyer (podcast)

‘Lawyer Bubble’ author discusses what the future looks like for today’s new lawyers

Want to protect individual freedom? Have a strong central government, says ‘Rule of the Clan’ author

What if Crim Law was taught by cartoons?

How to practice law in a ‘sharing economy’ (Podcast)

Is Batman a State Actor? ‘Law of Superheroes’ Authors Dish on Comics in the Courtroom

‘Conspiracy of Silence’ Allowed Judges’ Kids-for-Cash Scandal to Occur, Says Author

Voter Fraud v. Voter Suppression: Author Explains That Neither Is Quite What We Think

‘Good Girls Revolt’ Author Discusses Groundbreaking 1970s Sex-Discrimination Suit Against Newsweek

Author Describes Clash of Titans Jefferson and Marshall in ‘The Treason Trial of Aaron Burr’

After Going from BigLaw to ABC News, Author of ‘Exit Interview’ Witnessed Seismic Changes

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