ABA Journal

Legal Rebels and Trailblazers speak!

Hear these innovators tell the tales of how they began changing legal practice and where they see law is going in the future.

Should we expect new regulations on data privacy and consumer protection?

It’s a well-worn saying that the law always lags behind technology. It makes sense. We all remember the old song about how a bill becomes a law and how long the whole process can take. By the time you get to the verse about a president signing something into law, technology has either evolved into something even more cutting edge or become obsolete—replaced by a newer, shinier toy.

What’s the forecast for generative AI in 2025?

Welcome to 2025! The ABA Journal's Legal Rebels Podcast is not usually in the business of making prognostications. Let’s face it: If we were, we’d be playing the lottery or putting bets on sports games and the stock market and not doing this. But it seems like a safe prediction to say generative artificial intelligence will dominate 2025—just like it did in 2024.

2024 in Review: Generative AI dominated legal tech

The year 2024 has been a momentous year for legal technology. Generative artificial intelligence continues to gain traction in an industry not known for adopting tech quickly or efficiently.

What generative AI means for the future of predictive analytics

Lawyers, especially litigators, like to say they never ask a question that they don’t already know the answer to. But there’s plenty of unknowns out there—especially when it comes to how a case might turn out or how much it will cost. Predictive judicial and law firm analytics take some of that guesswork out of the equation.

What Filevine’s new AI tool could mean for the future of depositions

When Filevine unveiled its Depo Copilot in September, it sent shock waves among those in the legal technology sphere.

What does the future hold for licensed paraprofessionals?

Much has been made of the gigantic access-to-justice gap in this country. According to a 2022 study by the Legal Services Corp., 92% of Americans do not receive any or enough help for a civil legal need. There are many reasons for this.

Tests into and out of law schools—what’s changing and why

Not much can strike more terror into the hearts of aspiring lawyers than the LSAT and the bar exam. Right now, these tests are having a moment.

How generative AI can help you market your legal practice

Can generative AI tools make it easier for lawyers to offer pro bono services?

When it comes to access to justice, it has long been estimated that low-income Americans did not receive any or enough legal help for over 90% of their civil legal problems, according to a 2022 report from the Legal Services Corp.

Will generative artificial intelligence (finally) spell the end of the billable hour?

Widely hated by lawyers and clients alike, the billable hour has nevertheless proven to be more resilient than cockroaches, Twinkies and those nonbiodegradable containers that you used to get fast-food restaurants.

The future of DEI programs in the legal industry

The legal professional lacks diversity. In other news, the sun is hot, law school is expensive and junk food is bad for you.

Could automated transcription tools replace human court reporters?

For the longest time, one of the staples of any courtroom has been the stenographer. Typing on a small machine that produced a seemingly random series of letters onto a small strip of paper about the same size as what cash registers use to produce receipts, being a court reporter required extensive training and superhuman attention span. One missed sentence or one inaccurate transcription and the entire trial record could be compromised.

Fall in love with legal technology at this year’s ABA Techshow

It’s that time of year again. The ABA’s annual technological showcase—the ABA Techshow 2024—starts Feb. 14 and runs through the weekend in Chicago at the Hyatt Regency Chicago.

Want to clear a criminal record? This lawyer has an app for that

The impact for people clearing their criminal records can be life-changing, leading to long-term employment and financial security. And research shows that it also helps prevent recidivism. But the path to expungement is not always easy, requiring people with criminal records to navigate an unfamiliar, costly and drawn-out process. That’s where lawyer Noella Sudbury comes in.

What were the top legal tech stories of 2023?

As 2023 draws to a close, the Legal Rebels Podcast looks at the top stories in legal technology for the year.

How this lawyer uses TikTok to skewer law firm culture

In the past decade, influencer culture has exploded. However, content creation is not just about Gen Zers and millennials promoting new brands, hot products and lifestyle choices.

How generative AI is already changing contract review

A lot has been made about how generative artificial intelligence has already changed many aspects of the legal industry. Heck, we’ve already done a few shows on this very topic.

What is the future of remote working in the law firm world?

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home and communicating and collaborating via real-time communication tools has become the norm for many law firms and offices.

Changing the culture at law firms to promote wellness and mental well-being

For decades, lawyers who worked in BigLaw could expect some version of the following: Work long hours, including nights and weekends, with minimal free time, giving up almost all semblances of a social life. The reward: money and a potential partnership. And if you didn’t like it, there was the door. And if you were having mental health or wellness issues, then suck it up and deal with it.

How GPT and other large language models could change e-discovery

Large language models such as ChatGPT are all the rage these days. A lot of commentators, legal professionals, lawyers and media outlets, including this podcast, have spent a lot of time examining this game-changing technology.

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