U.S. Supreme Court

Supreme Court Decisions Boiled Down to 17 Syllables

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If you’re looking for a succinct summary of recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions, a couple blogs might be able to help.

Something of a haiku trend is hitting law blogs. The Employer Handbook blog has haiku descriptions of the term’s top employment decisions. Bracewell & Giuliani’s bankruptcy blog, Basis Points, is sponsoring a monthly haiku contest this summer. (Three June winners received tickets to a Yankees game.) The blog Supreme Court Haiku of the Day chronicles Supreme Court decisions and accepts comments, but only in haiku.

There is this description by the Employer Handbook blog of the Wal-Mart v. Dukes decision scuttling a huge class action:

Female class too big.
Lacked a common injury.

If you are trying to comprehend the high court’s latest rulings on jurisdiction, there is this description of J. McIntyre Machinery v. Nicastro, offered by Supreme Court Haiku of the Day:

Hand hurt by machine
Maker did not target state
No jurisdiction

Basis Points has a summary of the ruling against the heirs of former Playboy bunny Anna Nicole Smith, who sought to collect on a tort judgment against the estate of her former billionaire husband:

Battle of the wills
Supremes have the final say
Bunny hops no more