
Clint Eastwood Declares in RNC Speech that Lawyers Are Too Busy to Be President

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Clint Eastwood.

Clint Eastwood offered some reasons why lawyers shouldn’t be president in a speech at the Republican National Convention on Thursday night.

In the “bizarre, rambling” speech, Eastwood talked to an imaginary President Barack Obama, the Associated Press reports. Politico has a transcript and the Wall Street Journal Law Blog highlights the lawyer remarks. Romney, by the way, has a law degree from Harvard, the Law Blog notes.

“See, I never thought it was a good idea for attorneys to the president, anyway,” Eastwood said. “I think attorneys are so busy—you know they’re always taught to argue everything, always weigh everything, weigh both sides. They are always devil’s advocating this and bifurcating this and bifurcating that.

“You know all that stuff. But, I think it is maybe time—what do you think—for maybe a businessman. How about that?”

The speech spurred a new Twitter account called @InvisibleObama that quickly attracted 30,000 followers, AP says.

The video of Eastwood’s 12-minute speech:

Updated at 10:58 a.m. to include the video of Eastwood’s speech.

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