Legal History

Couple visits all 254 Texas courthouses in 14,500-mile odyssey, ties knot Monday in Ellis County

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A close-up view of the clocktower atop
the Fayette County Courthouse in
La Grange, Texas, showing details in the
architecture. Image from Shutterstock.

When Aaron Mason and Anne Cornell first visited the Fayette County courthouse in LaGrange, Texas, together in December 2010, the two Austin schoolteachers didn’t know each other all that well.

But over the next two years, as they traveled over 14,500 miles together to visit all 254 of the state’s courthouses, that changed. And Monday they got married in the Ellis County courthouse, the Daily Light reports.

The couple plans to write a book about the state’s courthouses, reports an earlier American-Statesman article that gives more details about their trip.

“In a lot of ways, the courthouse is the keeper of local history, the center of local history, and all of them together make up state history,” Mason told the American-Statesman in December. “They show that little places are important, just as the big places are. Courthouses are about people, even though many times people who go to a courthouse probably aren’t happy to be there—to go to court, for jury duty, to pay a fine.”

The couple’s Texas Courthouse Tour blog includes photos of the courthouses they visited.

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