Criminal Justice

Feds Raid Vegas Home and Office of Michael Jackson Doc

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Following up on an earlier raid by federal Drug Enforcement Administration agents on the Houston office of a physician who has treated Michael Jackson, authorities today arrived with a search warrant at the Las Vegas home and office of Dr. Conrad Murray.

This time DEA agents were accompanied by Los Angeles Police Department investigators and uniformed Las Vegas police officers reports ABC News. A manslaughter investigation concerning the world-renowned pop singer’s June 25 death is being conducted by Los Angeles police.

Authorities were searching today for medical records concerning Jackson under both his own name and 19 aliases that he may have used, reports the L.A. Now blog of the Los Angeles Times.

Murray became Jackson’s personal physician in May, the Associated Press reports. Relying on an unidentified law enforcement source, the news agency says Murray gave Jackson the intravenous anesthetic propofol after midnight on the day he died to help him “sleep,” and authorities believe propofol was what caused his death.

Murray’s lawyer has said his client gave Jackson nothing that should have caused his death.

Jackson, who was 50 when he died, reportedly may have been using propofol for several years before his death.

As discussed in an earlier post, propofol is generally used in a hospital setting for surgery and is not considered appropriate for in-home use as a sedative.

Updated at 5:10 p.m. to include information from L.A. Now blog.