Question of the Week

How Many Hours Have You Worked in the Past 7 Days?

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We often post here about different lawyers’ takes on work-life balance. Last week, James Dolan, a professional coach and psychotherapist who works with lawyers, said lawyers should not try to ascertain the magic amount of time that can be spent on duty vs. off-duty that will make a lawyer feel as if he or she has achieved “work-life equilibrium.” And this week, consultant Cindy Krischer Goodman considers the case of Becker & Poliakoff partner Yolanda Cash Jackson, who thrives on her long days networking, mentoring other lawyers and advocating for her causes at the Florida statehouse.

One commenter on last week’s post puts it this way: “Balance is so subjective. As far as I am concerned, a work/life balance is unique to everyone depending on their priorities. If you truly love your job and want to work 80 hours a week, and you are lucky enough to have a spouse who is taking care of the house and kids, then there you go—you’ve got your own balance.

“Or if you don’t love your job, but you are trying to make lots of money now so you can work less later, that is a different kind of balance—sacrifice of your present for the sake of your future.”

So what we’d like to hear from you this week: What’s your personal work/life balance, right now—and are you happy with it? How many hours have you worked in the last seven days? How many of the last seven days have you taken off from work? Is this typical? We encourage you to add any information about your position, practice, location that would illuminate your answer.

Answer in the comments below.

Read answers to last week’s question: In Your Practice, What Do You Focus on to See the Big Picture?

Featured answer:

Posted by Gary Silverman: “I follow Lord Russell’s rules, especially the one that says that most human behavior can be explained if put in chronological order, then I ask my wife what she thinks, i.e., get the facts before applying any notions of law or judicial approach. As James Fox Miller of Florida says, ‘We don’t practice law, we practice facts.’ “

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