Criminal Justice

Jailed Detroit Mayor Faces Felony Assault Charge

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Updated: News for Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick keeps getting worse and worse. This morning, the mayor, who was jailed yesterday for violating terms of his bond in an ongoing perjury prosecution, was charged with two counts of felonious assault, the Detroit Free Press reports.

Wayne County Sheriff’s Detective Brian White says Kilpatrick shoved him into his partner July 24 when White was trying to serve a subpoena to a friend of Kilpatrick’s in the text-message case against Kilpatrick and his former chief of staff.

“It is a very serious case. … I cannot recall, ever, seeing, let alone hearing, of a situation where a police officer trying to serve a subpoena was assaulted,” said Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox, who has been a prosecutor for 20 years.

In a detailed article about reaction to the mayor’s jailing, the Free Press notes that while the mayor has many supporters, there are calls for him to now step down. The paper described Kilpatrick as “devastated” by the decision to jail him for his unauthorized trip to Canada on city business. The proceeding was broadcast, and video appears on the Free Press site.

Kilpatrick’s administration has been plagued by scandal. Kilpatrick and a former top aide are under scrutiny because of an $8.4 million settlement of a police whistle-blower lawsuit. Critics contend that concerns about keeping secret an apparent affair between the mayor and the aide were a significant factor in the settlement.

Updated at 11:14 a.m. to report new charges against Kilpatrick.

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