Are Scambloggers Right About Law School? (Podcast)
Peruse the Internet these days and you can’t help coming across web sites from disgruntled law students and new lawyers. From sites like First Tier Toilet and Third Tier Reality, bloggers are complaining angrily about the weak job market. Some go so far as to call law school a scam. At the same time members of the legal community—from the American Bar Association to law school deans to current students—are investigating the issues and working to make some changes.
Also read the related story from the February issue, “Law School? Bag It, Bloggers Say.”
In This Podcast:

Kyle P. McEntee
Kyle P. McEntee is executive director of Law School Transparency, an organization calling for increased law school disclosure. He is a 3L at Vanderbilt University Law School.

Anna Stolley Persky
Moderator Anna Stolley Persky is a lawyer and journalist based in Arlington, Va.

Kimber A. Russell
Kimber A. Russell is a 2008 graduate of DePaul University College of Law, author of the blog, Shilling Me Softly, founder of and co-host of the weekly legal podcast, The Down by Lawcast. She is employed by a bar review company, where she works with students entering the job market.

David N. Yellen
David N. Yellen is chair of the ABA’s Standards Review Committee’s Subcommittee on Standard 509, which is evaluating the consumer information that law schools publish. He is dean of the Loyola University Chicago School of Law.