Law Practice Management

Why Many Midsize Law Firms Are Prospering During the Recession (Podcast)

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As corporate legal budgets continue to shrink, many general counsel are turning to midsize law firms in lieu of their more expensive, BigLaw counterparts. In fact, many midsize firms have reported significant success in the Great Recession.

ABA Journal Podcast moderator Stephanie Francis Ward  joins our guests to discuss the tactics these firms have used to better understand client needs in a down economy, avoid overstaffing large matters, boost revenue realization rates, and grow a national reputation for expertise while maintaining a regional presence.

Business of law reporter Rachel Zahorsky @LawScribbler tweeted their conversation live using the Twitter hashtag #ABAJchat.

In This Podcast:

<p>Neil A. Goldberg</p>

Neil A. Goldberg

Neil A. Goldberg is a partner with Goldberg Segalla. A past president of the Defense Research Institute, Goldberg practices in Buffalo, N.Y. He’s edited seven books on defending complex personal injury cases.

<p>Mike Morgan</p>

Mike Morgan

Mike Morgan is the managing partner of Tonkon Torp, a law firm based in Portland, Ore. His practice centers on representing electric utilities.

<p>Ed Poll</p>

Ed Poll

Ed Poll is a coach, certified management consultant, author and speaker on law practice management. His work can be found at LawBiz Blog, and he is the author of Growing Your Law Practice in Tough Times. He’s based in Venice, Calif.

<p>Lynda Templen</p>

Lynda Templen

Lynda Templen is a partner with the Milwaukee office of Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek. A public finance lawyer, she serves as the firm’s vice president of legal services.