Question of the Week

Should law schools accept the GRE as well as the LSAT?

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The University of Arizona College of Law announced earlier this year that it would start accepting either the Law School Admission Test or the Graduate Record Examination from applicants. Unlike the LSAT, the GRE can be taken year-round at computer centers around the country.

A committee working under the Council of the ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar will review a study conducted for the Arizona law school that supports using the GRE for admissions. The study asserts that use of the GRE could expand access to legal education.

“For me, the interesting question is whether accepting the GRE would attract a different pool of applicants—more racially and ethnically diverse—or students with different skill sets, experiences or expertise,” Catherine Christopher, an assistant professor at Texas Tech University School of Law, told the ABA Journal. “I think communities benefit tremendously when their lawyers and law students reflect the characteristics of the population as a whole.”

So this week, we’d like to ask you: Should law schools accept the GRE as well as the LSAT?

Answer in the comments.

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