Attorney General

Texas attorney general has a message for gun-loving New Yorkers

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Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is taking aim at New York’s new gun control law with Internet ads seeking to lure unhappy firearms enthusiasts to his state.

The pop-up ads, funded by Abbott campaign money, deliver two messages, the Austin American-Statesman reports. One reads: “Wanted: Law-abiding New York gun-owners looking for lower taxes and greater opportunity.” Another says: “Is Gov. Cuomo looking to take your guns? Sick of the media outing law-abiding gun owners? Are you a lawful NY gun-owner seeking lower taxes?”

Those who click on the ads are directed to a Facebook page that says, “Keep your guns, come to TX.” The site says the state has right-to-work laws and a reasonable regulatory environment. “And we’ll fight like hell to protect your rights.”

The state also has no income tax. “You’ll also get to keep more of what you earn and use some of that extra money to buy more ammo,” the Facebook page says.

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