Entertainment & Sports Law

Tom Brady loses bid for en banc review in Deflategate suspension

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New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady has lost his bid for en banc review of a decision reinstating his four-game suspension in connection with underinflated footballs during a playoff game.

The New York-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the request for an en banc rehearing on Wednesday, report Law.com, ESPN and USA Today. Brady and the National Football League Players Association had sought the review.

Brady has maintained his innocence, but the National Football League found he probably knew about the underinflation. A 2nd Circuit panel upheld the suspension in April, finding that the arbitration proceedings did not deprive Brady of fundamental fairness.

The National Football League Players Association issued a statement saying it was disappointed by the decision to deny rehearing “as there were clear violations of our collective bargaining agreement by the NFL and Commissioner Roger Goodell.” The statement said the NFLPA “will review all of our options carefully.”

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